Choosing the Best Font for Signage at Your Business

Posted by Ryan Brennan on May 1st 2023

Choosing the Best Font for Signage at Your Business

Choosing the Best Font for Signage at Your Business

When it comes to creating signage, there are a variety of factors to consider to ensure that your message is effectively communicated to your target audience. While many individuals might assume that the content of their sign is the most important aspect to focus on, in truth, the font that is used to capture attention and convey information is just as critical.

In this article, we will examine the key considerations for choosing the best font for signage, including factors such as visibility, brand identity, emotional impact, and more.

Understanding the Importance of Font Choice in Signage

While it may be tempting to select a font based purely on personal preference, it is essential to choose a typeface that strengthens the intended message of the sign. Here are some key factors to consider when making your selection:

Visibility and Readability

One of the most crucial factors to consider when deciding on the font for your custom sign is visibility and readability. The font must be easily seen, quickly identifiable, and legible from a distance. Selecting a font that is readable from a distance will ensure your signs are visible to your target audience.

When choosing a font, it is important to consider the size of the sign and the viewing distance. A font that is too small or too intricate may not be visible from a distance, and a font that is too bold or thick may be challenging to read up close. A font that strikes the right balance between size and thickness will ensure your vinyl sign is legible and visible from a distance.

The colors used in the sign can also have a significant impact on its visibility. High-contrast colors, such as black and white or yellow and black, can make the sign stand out and be easily seen. However, it is essential to ensure that the colors used align with your brand identity and do not clash with other elements of the sign.

Brand Identity and Consistency

The font chosen for your signage should align with the overall style and branding of your organization. Using the same font across all mediums will improve consistency and make it easier for potential customers to recognize your brand at a glance.

When selecting a font, it is important to consider the personality of your brand. Is your brand playful and fun, or serious and professional? The font you choose should reflect the personality of your brand and align with your overall branding strategy.

Consistency is also crucial in maintaining brand recognition. Using the same font across all mediums, including signage, business cards, and websites, will help customers identify your brand quickly and easily.

Emotional Impact and Messaging

Fonts are used to convey emotions and messages subtly. Your font choice must align with the nature of your business and the message you want to convey. A fun and quirky font is not suitable for a law firm. A bold and straightforward font is ideal.

When selecting a font, consider the emotions and messages associated with different types of fonts. Serif fonts, for example, are associated with tradition, elegance, and formality, while sans-serif fonts are seen as modern, clean, and minimalistic.

The font you choose should also align with the message you want to convey. A bold, attention-grabbing font may be suitable for a sale or promotion, while a more understated font may be better suited for a permanent sign.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Font

Once you understand why font choice is critical when it comes to creating signage, you need to understand the specific factors you need to consider. Here are some key elements that should guide your font selection:

Size and Scaling

It is important to select a font that is scalable. Some fonts look great when used in small sizes but lose their impact when used at a larger size. Your selected font should be easily scalable without losing its impact and clarity.

Color and Contrast

Color has a significant impact on readability. Black is a popular color for sign fonts because it offers excellent contrast to most backgrounds. However, depending on the location of your sign, you may want to experiment with different colors. The font's color should be easy to read from a distance.

Material and Surface

The surface and material used for your signage play a significant role in font selection. Some fonts are more appropriate for use on specific surfaces. For example, fonts that are appropriate for printed materials may not be suitable for use on a metallic or glass surface.

Location and Viewing Distance

The distance from which your sign will be viewed is another crucial factor to consider when selecting a font. For example, a font that is perfect for a billboard is not always appropriate for a small storefront sign. The distance and location of the viewer should determine the font specifications you use for your signage.

Popular Font Styles for Signage

Several sign font categories are suitable for use in creating signage. Here are some common categories and examples of the best fonts for signs today:

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts have elegant, ornamental flourishes at the end of strokes. They are typically used in more formal settings, such as corporate brochures, invitations, and newspapers. Classic examples of a readable Serif font include Times New Roman, Baskerville, and Georgia.

Sans Serif Fonts

Sans-serif fonts are trendy and modern; they lack the ornamental flourishes that Serif fonts possess. A Sans-serif font is commonly used for advertisements, more modern businesses, and websites due to their clean and straightforward appearance. Popular Sans-serif fonts include Helvetica, Arial, and Verdana.

Script Font and Handwritten Fonts

Script and Handwritten fonts can help create a more personal and creative feel, but also significantly less legible. They are often used for boutique stores, coffee shops, and invitation cards. Popular script fonts include Lucida Calligraphy, Brush Script, and Edwardian script.

Display Font and Decorative Fonts

Display fonts and decorative fonts are the most playful of the font families. They are commonly used for headlines and signs when you want to convey whimsy, excitement, or humor. Typical examples include Comic Sans, Impact, and Marker Felt.

Best Practices for Combining Fonts

Avoid using more than two font families in one piece to maintain legibility, consistency, and readability. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Pairing Complementary Fonts

The fonts you choose should complement each other and work seamlessly together without creating visual confusion. This means you should use fonts from different categories without blending too many styles.

Balancing Visual Hierarchy

Set the tone for your message, set the hierarchy of information and use font sizing to create visual distinctions between different sections.

Maintaining Legibility

Ensure all fonts are legible, by selecting fonts that provide enough space per letter to promote readability.

Contact ADA Signs to Start Your Order Today!

Are you designing a custom vinyl sign for your business or public place? Are you trying to better connect with disabled guests by ensuring an inclusive and accessible environment? Are you trying to better follow the demands of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)? If so, then contact ADA Central right away!

We have a variety of ready-made signs for you to choose from, but also have the capacity to manufacture custom vinyl signs for those interested in a more personal touch. Contact us today at (308) 221-8226 or email us at to start your custom order – we can’t wait to help you succeed!